It’s true that it happens to be a daunting task for many people to keep their living space presentable and sanitary. To keep your house clean all the time, day-to-day tidying is unavoidable. But, who can find enough time to dedicate hours to cleaning his home in this fast-moving world? The best option then is to call a commercial cleaning company and let them do the job for you!
In any case, if you have decided to clean your greenhouse yourself, the following 5 important tips can help you a lot. Have a look at them:
- Use Cleaners
Many cleaners are there in the market. Cleaners contain different cleaning items such as baking soda, salt, lemon juice, vinegar, and others. All these things can help you clean dirt and dust, making your household tasks easier and even less complicated.
Don’t want to buy cleaning products? Need to clean your windows? Take 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and mix it with a half-gallon of water. The solution is not less than a quality window cleaner available outside in the market.
- Furniture Polishing
Furnishing polishing happens to be high in every house cleaning list people make. Other than solvents and distillates that are poisonous and unfriendly to earth, you better use some other things to clean your wood items.
A great tip is to mix 1 part lemon juice and 2 parts olive oil and apply the solution to your furniture with a soft cloth. You will be amazed to see the sparkling shine and a soothing smell coming from your house or office furniture.
- Fireplace
A fireplace is an important part of every house. It gives a unique beauty to your house if you keep it clean all the time. After some time, you will notice soot and smoke smudges around the exterior of the fireplace and that you should clean time to time.
To clean your fireplace, the best tip is to apply a cream of water and tartar and spruce on it. You can easily scrub off the stains from the fireplace by rubbing the paste on it and letting it dry.
- Reduce Your Space
It may sound weird to you but it’s relevant it the discussion of effective greenhouse cleaning tips. The more you reduce your space, the more you can save time and energy required for perfect cleaning. If you are only two in your family, what is the use of occupying 6 to 8 rooms? You better shift in a smaller house that you can keep clean easily.
- Clean Bare Floors
When it comes to cleaning of bare floors, basic vinegar and water solution is the right choice for you. Take 1-gallon warm water and mix it up with 1 cup vinegar. The solution is perfect to clean ceramic tile, vinyl, wood floor, linoleum, etc. The best thing is that you won’t be in need to rise afterward and your time will be saved!